Friday, March 9, 2012

Strawberry Rooibos and Pu-erh! Crazy Good!

Hi All!

I've been unplugged lately and actually enjoying it :)...So, I'm extending it for a bit! But I simply HAD to tell you about a lovely Rooibos Strawberry Cream tea I picked up at the sharpest tea shop I've been to so far. I say sharpest because there's tea stuff EVERYWHERE and a ton of loose leaf tea to brew! And they even had the movie "All in This Tea" showing on mute!

Soon I'll do a whole post on the different tea shops I've been to so far. I don't know what I expected and in my very short time with tea, I've only been to a handful. Yet, I tell you each are as wonderfully unique and reflective of the proprietor and his/her approach to tea that I keep wondering what my style would be like. But I think it's safe to say, it's much too early to tell :) Something for you to think about too though!

Moving along, the store is called Tin Roof Teas in Raleigh, NC. My hubby was kind enough to get us there, but rushing me along because he wanted to get out of town before the 5pm traffic hit, apparently the traffic is a bear! {Aside, I learned something valuable about my husband...he doesn't like unknowns...and me, in a tea shop with lots of choices and a strict a definate unknown! Next time I will say, give me 30mins and that should help us both out!}

But about the traffic, I honestly wouldn't have noticed. I'd have been wrapped up in the sampler teas I got, looking them up in my tea books...which I did, traffic or not! {I found a Margaret's Hope Autumnal Darjeeling AND an Oriental Beauty Ooloong!!! More on them some other time!}

Anyway~ This tea, Rooibos Strawberry Cream is amazing! I smelled it in their shelf box they open, and then due to time, I picked it up on self already prepackaged. I asked about which is fresher and got an in between answer allowing me to chose for myself. I chose the one on the shelf. I didn't get that great smell right away. I had to move the bag around, but when it came, oh lovely!

Back at the homestead, I had about 5 tsps left of my Teavana Strawberry Slender Pu-erh. So, I did what seemed perfectly natural...I combined them both. The result was a strawberry cream slushy like taste, with out the whip cream and calories! AMAZING, smooth and rich. I added a bit of milk and a packet of splenda to dessert it up a bit! FABULOUS tea! My 6 year old had a cup last night and asked this morning, "Can I have some of THAT tea?" What a great question to wake up too!

Happy DUEing and Blessings to ALL!

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