Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Strawberry Creme White Tea

Hi All!

So enjoyed my Strawberry Creme White Tea...that I'm now out of it!!!

Ordinarily, I'm very picky about the white teas I buy because often they have some kind of peach thing going on; that and ginger seems to be another popular additive to white teas. Oh and don't forget peppermint! UGH!

So, usually white tea is not my thing.

BUT I must say, that has changed! Not only with the healthy weight control benefits of white tea (referencing white tea's ability to increase metabolism up to 6%, due to EGCG) but also the resulting natural energy boost is fantastic!!! ~ I can't drink white tea past a certain time of day or I end up staying wake until the wee hours of the morning!~

Fortunately there is not a jittery response in one's system, mainly because God made the Camellia sinensis plant with chemical properties that do not counteract the boost so much as balances the boost. (Another post for another day :)

Moving along, I must stress careful attention to your tea's water temperature and steep time. For my first cup the temp. was off by about 5-7 degrees and it was a bitter disaster! SO glad I looked again at the instructions! I was going off a white tea instruction for another company, rather than the one whose loose leaf I was harassing! {White tea temp. can range from 159F to 175/180F Rarely, if ever does it go over the 180 range...and 180 is highly suspect!}

This particular Strawberry Creme White tea comes from Teavana, but I'm anxiously waiting for the opportunity to try the same name tea from a fantastic tea shop in Raleigh, NC. Fore it was there I had the first white tea I ever actually enjoyed. The tea shop's name: Tin Roof Tea's. The white tea that turned my scorn into marvel~ment: White Grape and it's fantastic! My mouth is watering and my mind remembering! Such great quality tea and fashioned in the new way of processing white teas, so it's less expensive than the old way of processing white teas. (ANOTHER POST for another day :)

Teavana's Strawberry Creme White tea is exquisitely subtle. Do not let the scary bright hot pink steeped tea deter you! It's lovely and you can easily make it stretch by enjoying the tea at room temperature by adding to it filtered water.

I'll mention this. It was missing a little something/something and can evoke taste impressions of Kool Aid, if over steeped. But the watering-down mentioned above and the following turn this tea into easily the most memorable in my tea experience! My mother-in-law gave me a lemon zester with a bunch of information about how health lemons (the WHOLE lemon) are for the body. She suggested keeping a lemon in the freezer and just zest it when you need to!

Well that's exactly what I did to this tea and WOW, WOW, WOW!

So great! It has totally taken away my desire for Teavana's Youthberry and Wild Orange Blossom blend! I LOVE this tea and am very much looking forward to comparing it with other white teas I pick up with the strawberry twist to it!

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